Blooming today

I guess what it comes down to is a lack of habit. That’s why I go through periods of blog breaks. I can make excuses here and there but really it’s a lack of daily writing & photographing habit that keeps my sharing it with you a spotty one. There are so many habits folks talk about that I wish I could pick up on, do you feel that too? If only you spent 15 minutes a day exercising, you’d be in shape in no time. 15 minutes of tidying your house everyday will keep it in good shape for company. 15 minutes of daily mediating will change your life. 15 minutes of writing and you’ll have a novel in no time flat. Declutter for 15 minutes a day and you’ll live in an orderly household. 15 minutes to practice guitar each day and you’ll be strumming your favorite songs in no time. If I were disciplined and had no outside factors weighing in on my time and attention, I could schedule my day into neat and tidy 15 minutes segments and probably accomplish a lot more than I currently do.
As it is, those outside factors weigh heavily on my days and I hungrily have to steal away whatever moment I get to photograph and write. Please bare with me.
Flowers are blooming. Many of these I have grown from seed, which is an accomplishment I’m quite proud of. We grow vegetables from seed all the time, but for some reason I always bought my flowers as plants from the nursery. The sweet peas were a rough growing road, as I dutifully followed Floret’s advise and planted seeds in January in custom made potting mix, placed them on the sunny patch on my washing machine and then heard them fall, as the vibrations of the running machine tossed the entire tray onto the garage floor. Oh my! In a crying mess, I heaped it all back together and placed them outside and forgot about them, but the relentless seeds grew anyway and I transplanted them, not knowing which variety was which. I’m just so glad to have any at all.
The echinacea I’m so very glad to see blooming as this was another seed I started over a year ago. I must grow more.
This nicotina? Though I didn’t plant the seed myself, it reseeds readily and I don’t do a thing to stop it. So beautiful. The great big bumblebees love it.
These majolica poppies were here when we moved in three years ago and were blooming a bit. The next year they did nothing. Last year I gave them a tough love talk and told them that was their last year, if they didn’t bloom I was going to rip them out. They didn’t bloom. I ripped them out. Little did I know they have a remarkable root system and came right back over winter and are blooming once more. So very beautiful!

I have another flower blooming that I grew from seed for a very special purpose. I’ll show you next time.


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10 responses to “Blooming today

  1. Angela

    Oh, How I understand the time slipping away. I usually think everything will take me ‘Ten Minutes’ (I put that in quotations because I always say that when asked how long something is going to take me) In my mind things can be achieved much quicker than the actual time it really takes.

    Time slips by, the tomatoes need pinching out, the cucumbers tying in and the weeds have turned my border into a wildflower meadow.

    I will, of course, sort this lot out. Just as soon as I have ten minutes……….

  2. I also think I need to cultivate some of those habits….but where’s the fun in that? although I write about our travels I always think I need pictures to prove a point. truth is, life gets in the way and those must do jobs get trodden upon

  3. Jean

    Beautiful pictures! So glad you shared them. That’s a good use of your fifteen minutes, much better than cleaning something up.

  4. I identify so much with this! I, too, have had the “15 minutes” talk with myself, made lists and charts…even a jar full of slips to pick just one thing to dedicate a good 15 minutes to, each day. Right now – early Spring here – I am trying to enforce a new rule: fill one five gallon bucket with leaves, weeds and debris from the flower and garden beds each day. I was doing pretty good until the mosquitoes hatched! Beautiful flowers, thank you!

  5. Jennifer

    The sweet peas! They grew wild on the little mountain where I grew up, and times on this little mountain still comes into my night time dreams. Thank You for the sweet peas 😀

  6. 15 minutes every day for this and that adds up so quickly, I really feel you on that one. When so much of life demands our attention it can be hard to find those 15 minutes to do that something we really want to do. Thanks for sharing this post, I’m always excited to get that email from your site. 🙂

  7. Julie

    You blog like I read blogs….I don’t always have the time to keep up and when bloggers have a new post every day, or a theme, or posts that build on previous posts every day….well, I just can’t read it all in the 15 minutes I have allotted for blog reading! LOL!!
    I like that when you post, it’s not just to post something….it’s because you have something to post!

  8. Kendra, Your photography is breathtaking.

  9. Your garden is bloomin’ gorgeous 🙂

  10. Great, healthy-looking flowers.

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