Life in a New Garden

I’m sorry to have left you with such a long silence. We spent the first two weeks at our new house without internet and I have to admit, it was kind of nice. With a lack of internet, tv, telephone it was like being on a vacation. Add to that being without a dryer and adjusting to life without the aid of a dishwasher and I spent a lot of time doing things slowly without any sort of modern day distractions. It was nice. It was beyond nice. Above is the new view out our kitchen window. One of the best views in the house, which is a good thing, because of that whole lack of a dishwasher issue.
Moving here has been overwhelming in every sense of the word. The sheer amount of physical work it takes to move a household was overwhelming. The generosity friends and family showed of by watching the kids and helping us schlep boxes and heavy furniture was incredible. Being here, in this most beautiful of spots, in the most amazing of gardens is overwhelming. Living in this house and realizing the vast amount of work we need to do to this house is amazingly overwhelming. I should also mention that there is not one piece of irrigation in this entire two acres of land. Not one sprinkler or piece of drip irrigation. All has been watered by hand all these years.
One thing that we certainly didn’t expect was the warm welcome we would receive when we moved into this house. On our first morning of moving I drove over here to find at the front gate a basket full of honey, homemade peach jam, a blue Bell jar full of sea salt, a bouquet of homegrown flowers and a photo history book of the house we bought. As I mentioned, the couple that lived here before us, built the original house 60 years ago and raised their family here. Their granddaughter is now our next door neighbor and she left us this incredible gift. It brought me to near tears. It makes us feel like we are inheriting quite a loving history. Meeting the other neighbors, most who have lived here for decades, and seeing how much they help each other out is overwhelming. In the eight years we lived in town, we didn’t meet this many neighbors. I didn’t know this generosity between neighbors still existed in today’s world. We feel humbled by it all. We only hope that we can fit into this functioning community and contribute to it.
We’ve also been enjoying inviting friends and family over to see our new home. They all know and have been along for the ride for our two plus years of active house hunting. They’ve patiently listened to all the ‘we made an offer’, ‘we got outbid….again’ heartbreaks we’ve been through. It has been nice to walk around with them all to show them where we landed.
(Mildred hanging laundry in the early 1950’s)

It has taken me a while to find my footing in this new house. To find our new groove. But I think I’m getting there. The camera is again being used and I’m anxious to share our gardening adventures with you.


Filed under Life in Sonoma

24 responses to “Life in a New Garden

  1. Barbara Ann

    O thank you so much for your entry today. I am a newcomer to your writings and photography and I am well please with what I have found you have done. I know the difficulties of moving and am pulling for your success in your new “shell”.
    Todays entries were a life potion for mu currrent parched soul. Thanks again.
    Barbara Ann Jessup

  2. Sue

    A beautiful story. Thanks so much.

  3. This was beautiful and well worth the wait. I’m so glad you were welcomed warmly and with such a lovely history. I look forward to watching you make it your home. 🙂

  4. Tom Martin

    Congratulations and happy times in the new abode. Your epistle is shared with family members and friends. They love it.

  5. What a warm welcome indeed! So exciting for new adventures and new patterns of homelife. 🙂

  6. What a beautiful story! You must feel so lucky. That is what building a home and family living should be like. I am excited to here more about your new life in this home, and of course the garden.

  7. I’m so excited to see what this new home brings to you and your family…which I’m sure will be much happiness:) I loved looking at your photos today!

  8. Margaret

    Thanks for the update and the photos! Was blessed by your e-mail today. Best wished in your new home.

  9. I always look forward to your stories and photos. I have been on similar journeys and although challenging, it is so rewarding to build your own life story. You are an inspiration.

  10. Thank you for your posting, I enjoy hearing about your life. I understand the sheer amount of work involved in moving. We’ve moved 4 times in 3 years and finally God has blessed us with purchasing a home. I LOVE your new home. I’m praying for many blessings for you and your family as we live out our adventure in our new home and as I read of your adventures. I know the joy that comes with no internet but I’m so glad to see you back here. I enjoy your blog!

  11. Katie

    Congrats on the new place Kendra! Love seeing the pictures…will always remember our “starter cottages” with our first babies together! Take care and enjoy your new space.

  12. KimH

    What an awesome blessing your neighbor “the grand daughter” shared with you. The best way to settle in comfortably into a well established country community is to be yourself.. remember the Golden Rule.. and share your blessings.
    I think Im jealous Wishing you many many blessings & lots of wonderful happy years in your new home! ♥

  13. How lovely, all of it! Glad you got back online, but the absence of internet, TV, etc. is wonderful, as you say. I’m so happy for you.

  14. ooh, this post leaves me anxious to hear more. thank you so much for sharing your new adventures in living with us, and best wishes as you find your way in your new environs!

  15. LOVE the view from the kitchen, and oh my that stove!!!

  16. What a sweet, sweet post. It’s like you’ve moved right into “home.” The gardens are lovely.

  17. Vale

    Wow, such an amazing time! Have fun settling in and making it home. 🙂

  18. Hey there, I’ve not been to your blog in a while but I am so happy I did today! What a wonderful news to hear that you found what seems like the house of your (everybodys?) dreams! And what a view!!!

    I am sure that you will make the previous owners proud and here’s me lifting my glass of kombucha and mango juice (that’s what I have right next to me, wine shall come later in the day ☺) to your health and to enjoying the new neighborly environment. I look forward to hearing more stories of neighborly love and I shall live vicarously through you (my own neighbors are a bit…different 🙂

    Enjoy your lovely new place and I’ll visit more often from now on!

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